How Will El Capitan Run? Software program and Storage Options Powering NNSA’s First Exascale Supercomputer – Excessive-Efficiency Computing Information Evaluation

How Will El Capitan Run? Software program and Storage Options Powering NNSA’s First Exascale Supercomputer – Excessive-Efficiency Computing Information Evaluation
How Will El Capitan Run? Software program and Storage Options Powering NNSA’s First Exascale Supercomputer – Excessive-Efficiency Computing Information Evaluation

El Capitan, the Nationwide Nuclear Safety Administration’s first exascale supercomputer, will seemingly be the world’s strongest laptop when the system is deployed in Fall 2024. However answering a few of science’s most difficult questions will transcend merely having cutting-edge {hardware}. Uncover how the software program structure and storage techniques that may drive El Capitan’s efficiency — from the Tri-Lab Working System Stack (TOSS) to the progressive “Rabbit” nodes — will assist Lawrence Livermore Nationwide Laboratory (LLNL) and the NNSA Tri-Labs push the boundaries of computational science. Study in regards to the function of open-source software program in maximizing productiveness, flexibility and reproducibility as LLNL scientists unveil what’s “underneath the hood” of El Capitan and envision its prospects for scientific exploration.

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