Feeling distracted? This iPhone app has a cute and efficient method to procrastination

Feeling distracted? This iPhone app has a cute and efficient method to procrastination
Feeling distracted? This iPhone app has a cute and efficient method to procrastination

Badges and leaderboards don’t work for me. This is why I like Duolingo however all the time have the nagging notifications turned off. However what if I used to be rewarded with a cute little digital forest once I work and keep away from distractions reasonably than an arbitrary badge? That hits otherwise.

This is the pondering behind the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch app Forest. It’s been round for some time, however I lately began utilizing it once more to give attention to my work, spend much less time scrolling and add a little bit of spice to the Pomodoro approach – a manner of working in 25-minute chunks.

Keep centered for longer 

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