Apple reveals the newest iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 adoption figures

Apple reveals the newest iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 adoption figures
Apple reveals the newest iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 adoption figures

You do not have to be a telephone nerd to be naturally curious concerning the adoption fee of present iOS and Android software program. It was once attention-grabbing to see the Android distribution figures every month. In fact, with the fragmentation that continues to be a trademark of the platform, the newest main construct of the OS was by no means discovered on most Android phones though that has just lately modified. As a result of Apple makes each the software program and the telephone, iOS distribution numbers have totally different outcomes. You’ll be stunned if a model of the newest main iOS launch was not discovered on a overwhelming majority of iPhones.
In accordance with stats listed on the Apple Developer website, 86% of all iPhone items launched over the past 4 years are operating an iOS 17 construct. A a lot decrease 11% have a model of iOS 16 driving their iPhone and three% have their iPhone powered by an older iOS construct.

The above numbers confirmed the adoption charges for iOS on iPhone fashions launched over the past 4 years. If we take a look at all at present energetic iPhone fashions, 77% of them are utilizing a model of iOS 17. 14% of all iPhones in use in the present day are powered by an iOS 16 construct, and 9% of those iPhones have a model of iOS 15 or older put in. It could be attention-grabbing to know the oldest model of iOS that’s at present nonetheless being employed on an iPhone.

Now suppose we flip our consideration to the iPad. 77% of all iPad fashions launched over the past 4 years are powered by an iPadOS 17 construct of the working system. 15% of those tablets are geared up with a model of iPadOS 16 whereas 8% have an older iPadOS construct put in.

all energetic iPad fashions, 68% are operating a model of iPadOS 17, whereas a construct of the iPadOS 16 working system drives 17% of energetic iPad fashions. 15% are powered by an older iPadOS construct.

All the information is predicated on iPhone and iPad fashions that accomplished a transaction on the App Retailer this previous Sunday, June ninth.

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