Understanding Python’s Iteration and Membership: A Information to __contains__ and __iter__ Magic Strategies

Understanding Python’s Iteration and Membership: A Information to __contains__ and __iter__ Magic Strategies
Understanding Python’s Iteration and Membership: A Information to __contains__ and __iter__ Magic Strategies


Understanding Python’s Iteration and Membership: A Information to __contains__ and __iter__ Magic Strategies
Picture by Creator


In the event you’re new to Python, you’ll have come throughout the phrases “iteration” and “membership” and questioned what they imply. These ideas are basic to understanding how Python handles collections of knowledge, similar to lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Python employs particular dunder strategies to allow these functionalities.

However what precisely are dunder strategies? Dunder/Magic strategies are particular strategies in Python that begin and finish with a double underscore, therefore the identify “dunder.” They’re used to implement numerous protocols and can be utilized to carry out a variety of duties, similar to checking membership, iterating over components, and extra. On this article, we might be specializing in two of crucial dunder strategies: __contains__ and __iter__. So, let’s get began.


Understanding Pythonic Loops with Iter Technique


Take into account a fundamental implementation of a file listing utilizing Python courses as follows:

class File:
	def __init__(self, file_path: str) -> None:
    	    self.file_path = file_path
class Listing:
	def __init__(self, recordsdata: Listing[File]) -> None:
    	    self._files = recordsdata


A simple code the place the listing has an occasion parameter that comprises an inventory of File objects. Now, if we wish to iterate over the listing object, we should always have the ability to use a for loop as follows:

listing = Listing(
	recordsdata=[File(f"file_{i}") for i in range(10)]
for _file in listing:


We initialize a listing object with ten randomly named recordsdata and use a for loop to iterate over every merchandise. Easy sufficient, However whoops! You get an error message: TypeError: ‘Listing’ object is just not iterable.

What went mistaken? ​​Nicely, our Listing class is not set as much as be looped via. In Python, for a category object to develop into iterable, it should implement the __iter__ dunder methodology. All iterables in Python like Listing, Dictionaries, and Set implement this performance so we will use them in a loop.

So, to make our Listing object iterable, we have to create an iterator. Consider an iterator as a helper that offers us gadgets one after the other once we ask for them. For instance, once we loop over an inventory, the iterator object will present us with the following aspect on every iteration till we attain the top of the loop. That’s merely how an iterator is outlined and carried out in Python.

In Python, an iterator should know learn how to present the following merchandise in a sequence. It does this utilizing a way known as __next__. When there are not any extra gadgets to offer, it raises a particular sign known as StopIteration to say, “Hey, we’re executed right here.” Within the case of an infinite iteration, we don’t increase the StopIteration exception.

Allow us to create an iterator class for our listing. It can take within the record of recordsdata as an argument and implement the following methodology to offer us the following file within the sequence. It retains observe of the present place utilizing an index. The implementation appears as follows:

class FileIterator:
    def __init__(self, recordsdata: Listing[File]) -> None:
        self.recordsdata = recordsdata
        self._index = 0
    def __next__(self):
        if self._index >= len(self.recordsdata):
        	increase StopIteration
        worth = self.recordsdata[self._index]
        self._index += 1
        return worth


We initialize an index worth at 0 and settle for the recordsdata as an initialization argument. The __next__ methodology checks if the index overflows. Whether it is, it raises a StopIteration exception to sign the top of the iteration. In any other case, it returns the file on the present index and strikes to the following one by incrementing the index. This course of continues till all recordsdata have been iterated over.

Nonetheless, we aren’t executed but! We’ve got nonetheless not carried out the iter methodology. The iter methodology should return an iterator object. Now that we’ve got carried out the FileIterator class, we will lastly transfer in the direction of the iter methodology.

class Listing:
    def __init__(self, recordsdata: Listing[File]) -> None:
        self._files = recordsdata
    def __iter__(self):
        return FileIterator(self._files)


The iter methodology merely initializes a FileIterator object with its record of recordsdata and returns the iterator object. That is all it takes! With this implementation, we will now loop over our Listing construction utilizing Python’s loops. Let’s have a look at it in motion:

listing = Listing(
	recordsdata=[File(f"file_{i}") for i in range(10)]
for _file in listing:
	print(_file, finish=", ")

# Output: file_0, file_1, file_2, file_3, file_4, file_5, file_6, file_7, file_8, file_9,


The for loop internally calls the __iter__ methodology to show this consequence. Though this works, you would possibly nonetheless be confused in regards to the underlying workings of the iterator in Python. To grasp it higher, let’s use some time loop to implement the identical mechanism manually.

listing = Listing(
	recordsdata=[File(f"file_{i}") for i in range(10)]

iterator = iter(listing)
whereas True:
        # Get the following merchandise if obtainable. Will increase StopIteration error if no merchandise is left.
        merchandise = subsequent(iterator)   
        print(merchandise, finish=', ')
    besides StopIteration as e:
        break   # Catch error and exit the whereas loop

# Output: file_0, file_1, file_2, file_3, file_4, file_5, file_6, file_7, file_8, file_9,


We invoke the iter perform on the listing object to accumulate the FileIterator. Then, we manually make the most of the following operator to invoke the following dunder methodology on the FileIterator object. We deal with the StopIteration exception to gracefully terminate the whereas loop as soon as all gadgets have been exhausted. As anticipated, we obtained the identical output as earlier than!


Testing for Membership with Incorporates Technique


It’s a pretty frequent use case to verify for the existence of an merchandise in a group of objects. For instance in our above instance, we might want to verify if a file exists in a listing very often. So Python makes it less complicated syntactically utilizing the “in” operator.

print(0 in [1,2,3,4,5]) # False
print(1 in [1,2,3,4,5]) # True


These are majorly used with conditional expressions and evaluations. However what occurs if we do this with our listing instance?

print("file_1" in listing)  # False
print("file_12" in listing) # False


Each give us False, which is wrong! Why? To verify for membership, we wish to implement the __contains__ dunder methodology. When it isn’t carried out, Python fall backs to utilizing the __iter__ methodology and evaluates every merchandise with the == operator. In our case, it’ll iterate over every merchandise and verify if the “file_1” string matches any File object within the record. Since we’re evaluating a string to customized File objects, not one of the objects match, leading to a False analysis

To repair this, we have to implement the __contains__ dunder methodology in our Listing class.

class Listing:
    def __init__(self, recordsdata: Listing[File]) -> None:
        self._files = recordsdata
    def __iter__(self):
        return FileIterator(self._files)
    def __contains__(self, merchandise):
        for _file in self._files:
        	# Verify if file_path matches the merchandise being checked
        	if merchandise == _file.file_path:
            	return True
    	return False


Right here, we modify the performance to iterate over every object and match the file_path from the File object with the string being handed to the perform. Now if we run the identical code to verify for existence, we get the proper output!

listing = Listing(
	recordsdata=[File(f"file_{i}") for i in range(10)]

print("file_1" in listing)	# True
print("file_12" in listing) # False



Wrapping Up


And that’s it! Utilizing our easy listing construction instance, we constructed a easy iterator and membership checker to grasp the inner workings of the Pythonic loops. We see such design selections and implementations pretty usually in production-level code and utilizing this real-world instance, we went over the integral ideas behind the __iter__ and __contains__ strategies. Preserve working towards with these strategies to strengthen your understanding and develop into a more adept Python programmer!

Kanwal Mehreen Kanwal is a machine studying engineer and a technical author with a profound ardour for information science and the intersection of AI with drugs. She co-authored the book “Maximizing Productiveness with ChatGPT”. As a Google Technology Scholar 2022 for APAC, she champions variety and tutorial excellence. She’s additionally acknowledged as a Teradata Variety in Tech Scholar, Mitacs Globalink Analysis Scholar, and Harvard WeCode Scholar. Kanwal is an ardent advocate for change, having based FEMCodes to empower girls in STEM fields.

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