New compute-optimized (C7i-flex) Amazon EC2 Flex situations

New compute-optimized (C7i-flex) Amazon EC2 Flex situations
New compute-optimized (C7i-flex) Amazon EC2 Flex situations

Utilization sample
EC2 flex situations are an excellent match for whenever you don’t want to totally make the most of all compute assets.

You possibly can obtain 5 % higher value efficiency and 5 % decrease costs resulting from environment friendly use of compute assets. Usually, it is a nice match for many functions, so C7i-flex situations needs to be the primary alternative for compute-intensive workloads.

Nonetheless, in case your utility requires steady excessive CPU utilization, then it’s best to use C7i situations as a substitute. They’re seemingly extra appropriate for workloads resembling batch processing, distributed analytics, excessive efficiency computing (HPC), advert serving, extremely scalable multiplayer gaming, and video encoding.

Occasion sizes
C7i-flex situations supply the commonest sizes utilized by a majority of workloads going as much as a most of 8xlarge in measurement.

Should you want increased specs, then it’s best to look into the big C7i situations, which embrace 12xlarge, 16xlarge, 24xlarge, 48xlarge and two naked metallic choices with metal-24xl and metal-48xl sizes.

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